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Joanne Hart

is an accomplished editor and copywriter,
an award-winning journalist and an experienced media trainer.


She works with leading companies, banks and government organisations, helping them to communicate with internal and external stakeholders.

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financial journalism

financial journalism

Investment Editor of the
Mail on Sunday

and editing

and editing

Creating clear, well-written prose for policy-makers, regulators, trade bodies and companies

media training

media training

Trusted by companies, public relations firms and bankers worldwide



Commended by FTSE 100 directors, bank chairmen and senior professionals




1981 - present day



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financial jounalism

financial journalism

Joanne Hart is the Investment Editor at the Mail on Sunday.

She writes the weekly Midas column for Financial Mail, recommending shares, bonds and other investments to more than two million readers. Joanne is also a key contributor to Mail Online and Thisismoney, among the most popular news sites in the world.

Joanne’s knowledge of financial journalism dates back to the 1980s, when she started out as a junior on a Eurobond magazine before progressing to the Evening Standard. Joanne spent more than a decade at the Standard, including six years as Deputy City Editor. She was also a reporter and producer on the trail-blazing Channel Four programme, Business Daily.

Joanne’s experience of financial journalism spans news copy, in-depth opinion pieces, columns and features, as well as broadcast news in front and behind camera.

copywriting and editing

Smart stakeholder communication can separate a good organisation from a great one.  Websites, online bulletins, presentations and annual reports help businesses to explain what they are about and what distinguishes them from the pack.

Joanne Hart is an experienced editor and copy-writer.

She edits and contributes to contract publishing titles in banking, private equity and general investment.

She compiles official responses from banks to international and domestic regulators.

She writes white papers for a variety of companies and financial organisations.

Clients value Joanne’s reliability, speed of delivery and accuracy of execution.

copywriting and editing

media training

Reputation and brand are more important now than ever before. And what people read, hear or see in the media shape their perceptions in a way that is far more powerful than advertising and marketing.


Joanne Hart can improve the way you and your colleagues communicate with the media. Since 2002, she has successfully coached FTSE 100 executives, international bank directors, senior civil servants and many leading PR firms.

Joanne uses her first-hand experience of print and broadcast media to help companies and individuals understand how journalists work and what makes them tick. Using a combination of theory and practice, Joanne helps delegates to prepare more effectively for media interviews and deliver their messages in a compelling way.

Adopting a bespoke approach to training, Joanne works extensively with clients so she can craft sessions to their precise needs. These can vary from 90-minute fast-track meetings with one individual to full-day sessions with groups of up to eight delegates.

media training


Crafting a speech can be tortuous and time-consuming. The right messages need to be communicated. The audience needs to be engaged. And the speaker needs to feel confident.

Joanne Hart can take the strain out of successful speaking. Using her experience as a wordsmith and her understanding of the corporate world, she has built a reputation as an award-winning speech-writer.

Joanne spends time with her clients to gauge what they want to say and how they want to say it. She makes sure her language melds with clients so she is not putting her words in their mouth but using their words in the most compelling way possible.

Joanne writes AGM speeches, internal motivation speeches, conference speeches and after-dinner speeches. Recent engagements include Davos, FTSE 100 annual meetings and offsite keynote addresses.


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2002 - present day - editor, speech-writer, analyst, media trainer


Editor of the Mail on Sunday investment column Midas


Editor of The Point, a twice-yearly magazine for the private equity firm, Bridgepoint


Editor of Gold Investor, a quarterly magazine published by the World Gold Council


Editor of the Walter Scott Journal, a twice-yearly magazine for the investment firm Walter Scott


Copywriter for international companies and financial institutions


Speech-writer for senior executives in the retail and financial services sectors


Media and presentation trainer for board directors, senior managers and middle managers at a wide variety of companies both in the UK and overseas.


1996-2002 - Deputy City Editor, Evening Standard

Responsible for managing the Evening Standard Business Day office on a regular basis; writing picture by-lined columns on a range of financial topics and providing the section with news and feature reports, particularly concerning banking and retail.


1992-1996 – Financial Correspondent, Evening Standard

Responsible for reporting on a wide variety of financial topics and writing a weekly column on the international debt markets.


1989-1992 – Reporter/producer, Channel Four’s Business Daily programme

Responsible for compiling reports on all aspects of company, business and City news.



1981-1984 – Exhibitioner, Jesus College, Cambridge, BA Hons, French and Spanish.



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